Postpartum skincare and new mother

postpartum skincare & why it’s important

Our in-house beauty writer just had a baby a few months ago and here’s a real time excerpt of how she understood the importance of self care and postpartum skincare.
Postpartum skincare and new mother

Here’s the un-complicated postpartum skincare routine that you can do even with your baby in your hand, really!

Neglected skin shows ageing faster

Before my pregnancy, my skin used to be my playground. It was carefully tended to, cared for with the best skincare products and kept in pristine glowing condition.

I remember how happy and joyful I was to have our baby(my first) and then it was all about him. I even started washing my face with soap, can you imagine?

5 months in, one day I looked at the mirror, and boy, my face was dull, dehydrated and showing the first signs of aging. 

Alarm bells rang in my head and that’s when I realised it was high time to get some me-time and postpartum skincare. 

Carve our time for self-care 

When you have a baby, self-care time is the most neglected. Your body, mind, skin and hair suffers because of it. There is never gong to be a time when you’ll be all set for selfcare. Thus, its important to just stop everything(best when the baby is sleeping) and go to your quiet place, relax and tend to yourself. 

Selfcare and Postpartum skincare

To start with you need to have a look at your skin and see what is missing:

  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Are you drinking enough water?
  • Is your skin dull?
  • Are dry spots appearing?
  • Do you have smile lines or frown lines creeping in?

The next step is to figure out an easy & simple postpartum skincare routine. You don’t have all the time in the world for elaborate rituals and massages. 

Also, do not let mom-guilt get the best of you.

Even if it’s 10 minutes of the day. Easier said than done but trust me, I did and the results show.

What causes postpartum skin change?

Let’s address the elephant in the room. Postpartum skin goes through hormonal changes, dryness, pigmentation and shows signs of stress easily.

You can’t blame the skin and body, as it tries to hustle between taking care of a fussy baby at night, feeding that little tummy and keeping you running 24*7 on little to no sleep.

What causes postpartum skin change?

You may have only been looking at your stretch marks(you can always hide them in clothing) but your face shows signs of stress easily.

Here are the top reason for dullness post pregnancy

Hormonal fluctuations

Your body went through a sea change.

Progesterone and estrogen which has been driving your pregnancy full swing(and giving you that beaming pregnancy glow) recedes after post pregnancy.

Although oxytocin makes up for the sudden drop in hormones, your skin and hair reflects this almost instantly.

Neglecting your skin and not paying attention

You can’t blame a new mom for not taking care of herself post pregnancy. We’re hell-bent on doing the best for our little munchkin and that’s okay.

We’re just saying, maybe, if you feel like it, do some selfcare. It helps the skin recover, relaxes your mind and delivers a bit of the sanity you’ve been craving. Also, spending some time with yourself, tending to your own needs can help fend off depression as well. 

Sleepless nights

My nightmarish nights after delivery was the first week. Zero sleep, fussy baby, constant feeding and relentless crying. It gets better, lot better.

As for your skin, it is replenished every day when you sleep. No sleep means your postpartum skin suffers, showing pimples, acne, dryness and flaking.

Skipped hydration

Water is a key element in skin care.

Even the best skin care can’t help restore water in the skin as much as drinking can. Especially when you’re breastfeeding, you need to drink extra to compensate for the same.

Your essential guide to postpartum skincare

Here’s your skin’s lifesaver. For new moms, we have a no-nonsense, foolproof skin care routine which takes no more than 10 minutes. Promise.

Wash your face

Wash your face

Between poopy diapers, trying to sush him to sleep and calming down, you may have skipped even washing your face once a day. Yes, it has happened to me, I wont lie.

So make it a point to freshen up the skin either in the morning or before you hit the bed. 

Moisturiser (also great for stretch marks)

Set up a beauty counter with all the products in your skincare routine so it’s easy to grab and go. Keep your moisturizer and a bottle of water close by so you hydrate from outside and within. If you’re an expecting mom, our tip is to lather on a good amount of moisturiser after bath to reduce the intensity of stretch marks.

When to apply: Apply your moisturiser on the skin first thing after your shower. When your skin is still damp, moisturisers give maximum efficacy.

Face oil

Your dull skin needs a pick me up for sure.

If you’re attending your first party after having a baby or have family visiting, a face oil in your routine can instantly elevate skin health. Get a lasting glow with Brahmi’s non-greasy formula with pure ayurvedic ingredients. Psst.. you can also lather our face oil on your stretch marks to gently fade away.

When to apply: 60 seconds after your moisturise is on. This helps each product work it’s magic on the skin before the next product comes on. As for stretch marks, apply on damp skin and work slowly till the oil disappears.

May sunscreen guard you

Prevent the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and ageing by always applying sunscreen when stepping out. Never skip this step.

What products does your skin care need now?

Post pregnancy skin needs nourishment and lots of it. “Can I use beauty products after giving birth?” is a common question we get. Yes, you definitely can.

Getting a routine in place is a job and a new mom doesn’t have the time or energy to invest in research.

So we’ve done it for you.

Ayurveda doshas

All you have to do is first find out your skin type. You can check this link to find your Ayurvedic skin type. They are

  • Vata or dry skin type
  • Pitta or combination/sensitive skin
  • Kapha/oily skin

Each skin type reacts differently to the changes in your body and external environment. Therefore your products need to be aligned to your skin type or dosha to heal and nourish it.

Based on your dosha, we have the best skincare products, all-in-one beautiful Ritual box so you don’t have to research and experiment in this busy time.

You can grab one of these minimal and thoughtfully curated boxes according your skin type and get your skincare on track again post pregnancy too.

Let us take you through our beautiful ritual boxes.

Dry Skin Ritual Box for postpartum skincare

If your skin quiz said vata skin type, these are the products that will save you.

For moms, let’s make it easier. If you are tired of the flaky skin, dryness, tight skin and overall dullness, you probably are a vata/dry skin type.

Dry Skin Ritual Box for postpartum skincare

Here are the top products of the Ritual box to combat dry skin in a jiffy.

  • Rose and Tulsi face cleanser
  • Gentle exfoliant for dry skin
  • Nourishing Moisturiser for dry skin
  • Ultimate hydrating face oil for dry skin

This unique box of products are made of potent organic ingredients like brahmi, rose, tulsi and turmeric root for nourishing and healing your skin.
This box is priced at ₹4,546.00. You can shop the Dry Skin Ritual Box here.

Oily Skin Ritual Box for postpartum skincare

In the polar opposite, we have the Kapha or oily skin.

Especially after pregnancy, night sweats are common. This can aggravate your oily skin. So, we have a ritual box with a powerful cleanser, exfoliant, moisturiser and face oil.

For your acne prone skin, our products have the goodness of the brahmi, frankincense and sandalwood extracts to reduce oiliness, control oil production and prevent acne.

Oily Skin Ritual Box for postpartum skincare

  • Vetiver and Apricot Cleanser for oily skin
  • Gentle exfoliant for oily skin
  • Nourishing moisturiser for oily skin 
  • Purifying face oil for oily skin

This amazing ritual box is priced at ₹3,739.00.

Sensitive/Combination Ritual Box for postpartum skincare

Sensitive skin woes are never ending. Add to it all the postpartum hormones raging, your skin is probably crying for help. Here it is.

Our sensitive skin ritual box is the most loved for its gentle ingredients, potent formula and ease of use.

This box contains

  • Neem and Green Tea cleanser for sensitive/combination skin
  • Gentle exfoliant for sensitive/combination skin
  • Nourishing moisturiser for sensitive/combination skin
  • Soothing face oil for sensitive/combination skin

Affordably priced at ₹,4138.00, you get all the goodness your skin is craving for in one pretty box.

Morning only easy postpartum skincare

Morning Skincare Ritual For Dry Skin

Must-tryMorning Skincare Ritual For Dry Skin

Make sure to apply the moisturiser on damp skin for maximum efficacy.

If you’re a morning person, this two-step routine is the best way to go.
Our box contains

  • Rose and tulsi face cleanser for dry skin
  • Nourishing Moisturiser for dry skin.

If you can’t squeeze in both the routines, we have simpler boxes to get you started. These ritual boxes have the bare minimum(but amazing) products that you can be done with skincare in 2 minutes.

Morning Skincare Ritual For Oily Skin

Strip away excess oil, grime and dirt first thing in the morning and leave your skin fresh and healthy.

Here’s what comes in the box:

Morning skin care routine for oily skin
  • Vetiver and Apricot Cleanser for oily skin
  • Nourishing moisturiser for oily skin.

Make sure to apply the moisturiser on damp skin for maximum efficacy.

Morning Skincare Routine For Sensitive/Combination Skin

morning skincare routine for sensitive or combination skin

Gently treat your acne flare ups and oily T-zone with our morning ritual box. It contains

  • Nourishing moisturiser for sensitive/combination skin
  • Neem and Green Tea cleanser for sensitive/combination skin

Night time only routines for postpartum skincare

For me, night time routine makes more sense. The baby is asleep, I can finally get some quite time and indulge. If you’re like me, these boxes are your best friends.

Night Skincare Ritual For Dry Skin

Pampering your flaky and aging skin with extra hydration and love and lay the foundation for night skin repair.

  • Gentle exfoliant for dry skin
  • Ultimate hydrating face oil for dry skin

You can even use our face oil for stretch marks to fade them away in time.

Night Skincare Ritual For Oily Skin

A great cleanup from the day’s exhaustion, our night routine is best if you want to wake up with glowing skin.

  • Gentle exfoliant for oily skin
  • Purifying face oil for oily skin

Night Skincare Ritual For Sensitive/Combination Skin

Take your time to exfoliate your dull skin and then soothe it with our incredibly light face oil.

  • Gentle exfoliant for sensitive/combination skin
  • Soothing face oil for sensitive/combination skin

Okay mamas, let’s all love our skin and ourselves a little more as we shower our mini babies with all the love in the world.

Happy shopping and happy motherhood to you!