2023’s best daily routine for healthy skin that you must try

2023’s best daily routine for healthy skin that you must try

What is the best daily routine for healthy skin? We’d say it’s having a routine suited for your skin dosha and keeping at it consistently.

But how do I make my own beauty routine? Here’s an incredible guide to building your own personalized beauty routine for healthy and glowing skin.

best daily routine for healthy skin

Why should you have the best daily routine for glowing skin?

Healthy skin is the forerunner of glowing skin. There are many factors that affect skin health. Let’s have a look at what makes your skin healthy and full of life.

  • A healthy body and mind
  • Proper water intake
  • Good skincare routine
  • Choosing the right products for your skin
  • Getting your daily dose of sunlight
  • Sunscreen
  • Face exercises/yoga

Top Ayurvedic tips and daily routine for healthy skin

All of Brahmi’s skincare products are rooted in Ayurveda. We looked into Ayurveda for skincare gyaan and here’s what we found.

Charaka samhita, the gold standard in Ayurvedic skin treatments talks about Varnya or complexion promoting ingredients like Chandana or sandalwood, Useer or Vetiver and Manjistha.

Shushtrutha samhita talks about treatment of the skin issues like eczema by washing with neem and applying a paste of hartal or orpiment(a resin), haldi and mulethi afterwards.

Pimples/acne were treated with an ointment made of lodhra, rock-salt, mustard and dhanyaka.

Pimples acne treatment in ayurveda

It is written,

“Mukhalepanashilanam dridam bhavati darshanam,

Vadanam chaprimlanam shlakshanam


Which translates to “one who applies the mukhalepas consistently has a keen vision, has a bright face and glows like a lotus in bloom.”

Building your daily routine for the skin

Here’s the step by step guide to making your own skin care routine.

Understand your skin.

Take a mirror, and look at the problem areas on the skin. What do you want to improve? Write that down.

Check your skin dosha

Once you find your skin type/dosha, the skin care becomes easier. You can check your skin type with our easy quiz here.

List the products you need

According to your skin type and issues, you may or may not need certain skin care products. Eg: If you have dry skin, you definitely need a toner, moisturizer and face oil in the routine. At the same time, if you have oily skin, you can skip the face oil for a nourishing exfoliant as well.

Buying the right products

Here’s what makes your skincare routine most effective. When buying products, always read the back of the bottle first. Get to know the ingredients in the formula, and see if they are right for you. We recommend using Ayurvedic organic formulae for great skin in the long run.

Building a pattern

Now you need to understand “how” and “when” you’ll use the products. The order always is cleanser, exfoliant, toner, moisturizer, then face oil. You may want to split skincare into that in the morning and night time. Make sure to give ample time for each product to work its magic(approx. 30 sec-1 minute)before you dab on the next one,

Check for reactions

We recommend that if you’re using new skincare products, don’t use all new skincare in one go. Add one product at a time to your existing skin care routine, and watch for reactions. Keep an eye on your skin for up to 1 week before adding another new product.

Re-evaluate your routine:

Once you have a daily skin care routine set, it is important to do it consistently. It is also critical that you look at the results and if there is scope for improvement. If so, change or alter your products or routine in that manner.

What are the best daily skin care routine products?

For truly beautiful and healthy skin, you need the right products. Here’s a quick guide to the most amazing organic skincare products you need on your counter right now.

best daily skin care routine products

Gentle exfoliant for Dry skin -Revolutionary soothing exfoliator

Dry skin needs to be tended to with care, especially while exfoliating. Our dry skin exfoliant is a godsend for ladies with Vata skin and want to do the occasional deep cleanse.

Ingredients in the exfoliant formula include Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Frankincense, Vitamin E, Dandelion root, and Wheat Germ that gently soothes skin and heals dry patches.

Gentle exfoliant for Dry skin

Purifying face oil for oily skin-Can you imagine a face oil for oily skin?

Our face oils are so light and dewy that we even have one for oily skin. Amazing, right? Our purifying face oil is aimed at sealing in hydration as well as giving the perfect dewy finish to your skin. Here’s a secret-Mix a little face oil in the foundation for your makeup. When mixed with foundation, it glides smoothly on the face and gives an even foundation layer)

This face oil contains Jojoba Oil, Ashwagandha Root Extract, Turmeric Root Oil and Carrot extract, which has anti aging effects as well.

face oil for oily skin

Rose and tulsi face cleanser for dry skin-The gentlest cleanser you can ask for

Luxurious rose and the holy basil come together to form an opulent face cleanser that gently washes away dirt. It aims at restoring oil balance on the skin and hydrating your dry skin.

Active ingredients like Lemon extract, Rose flower Extract and Turmeric Root Oil deep cleanses skin, tightens pores, and removes impurities deposited deep within.

face cleanser for dry skin

Ultimate hydrating face oil for dry skin-Let your skin drink all it wants

Want extra-extra hydration? Our Ultimate hydrating face oil lets your skin drink all the hydration it wants. Our bestseller product, this one has Jojoba Oil, Mulethi Oil, Rose Flower Extract, and Turmeric Root Oil as actives in the formula.

It helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. The formula also gives even skin tone, tightens pores and removes sun damage.

This formula works great in the morning skin care routine.

Face oil for dry skin

Vetiver and Apricot Cleanser for oily skin-Restores oil balance perfectly

This is the perfect cleanser for oily skin. Two powerful ingredients, Apricot and Vetiver dries out skin oils to restore oil balance. It also heals and nourishes oily skin, and helps clear away hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

DIY daily routine for healthy skin and body

A great skincare can go a long way. If you want to go a step ahead, try out some amazing DIY recipes to retain a lasting glow on your face.

Never let veggie peels go to waste:

Banana peels, carrot peels, tomato skin and potato peels are elixirs of goodness. Once you have peeled them, rub them gently on your face and let it soak in. Great for intense hydration and skin brightening.

Honey masks:

There are infinite combinations of honey masks that work like a miracle on acne and skin irritations. Honey-milk mask, honey-oats mask, honey-jojoba oil mask etc., are great to heal and nourish starving skin.

Work out:

The easiest non-intrusive way of dislodging dirt and grime is the good old exercise. Hit the gym in the morning, get the sweat flowing and watch your skin getting clearer and also that pinkish glow- That’s from within!


Your mental health reflects directly on your face. If you’re stressed at work, don’t bring it home. Leave work at your doorstep and step into the serenity of home. Do meditation whenever your stress levels build.

What skincare routine to follow if you have acne prone skin?

Acne prone skin needs a disciplined daily skin care routine to keep pimples at bay. Here’s a quick routine you can try today if you have acne-prone skin.

skincare routine for acne prone skin
Night skincare ritual for oily skin

Cleanse your face but don’t drain it

Even though you may feel like you need to get the skin squeaky clean, it’s only going to make your pimple situation worse. Just a gentle cleansing would do. Do a good cleanse in the night and you can even skip cleansing in the morning,

Tone your face

You can use a DIY toner like gulab jal or green tea mist to gently add some moisture to your face.


Your skin needs a light, non-comedogenic moisturizer. When applying though, make sure to not apply on open wounds.


Always apply sunscreen before you step out to avoid sun damage.


Minimize exfoliation as much as you can. Never exfoliate on the area with acne as it can cause the infection to spread. Avoid exfoliating in the morning if you are stepping out in the sun all day.

what is the best daily skincare routine?

As we mentioned, skincare according to Ayurveda is different for different skin types. It is also different for different seasons, but we’ll delve into that later.

Exclusive skin care routine for dry skin or Vata skin type

Dry skin needs the most care in terms of skin aging. So, here are some changes you might need to implement on your normal daily skin care routine if you have dry skin.

  • Cleanse only at night
  • Exfoliate only once a week
  • Never skip sunscreen
  • Start using a light face oil on your skin
  • Take up face yoga to combat fine lines and wrinkles
  • Wear light makeup to prevent skin sagging in the long run
Dry Skin Ritual

Gentle skin care routine for pitta skin or combination skin type

Combination or sensitive skin requires carefully chosen ingredients and the best organic products to combat skin irritations and promote glowing complexion.

Here’s what you can add to your normal skincare routine if you have combination skin.

Use a mild cleanser but clean your T-zone well, while gently washing the rest of the face.

Include ingredients like ashwagandha, holy basil and sandalwood to soothe and hydrate your skin.

Spot treat your sensitive areas, pimples and eruptions, if you have any, with organic formulae.

combination skin type routine

Effective skincare routine for kapha skin or oily skin type

Oily Skin Ritual Box for postpartum skincare

Oily skin health depends on how well you clean and regulate sebum production on your skin. Here are some tips if you have oily skin.

Use a good cleanser

If you had a long day and your skin feels heavy with dirt, you can double cleanse the skin. But always remember to treat skin gently and retain some for the natural oils on the face.


Always use a light moisturiser with Ayurvedic ingredients to gently hydrate and nourish oily skin.

Exfoliate frequently

It is recommended to exfoliate at least 2 times a week for oily skin. Do not use exfoliants like big sugar crystals as it can cause tears on your skin surface.

Water based makeup

Use only water based makeup to avoid clogging pores.


What are the 7 steps of skin care and daily routine skin care tips?

Here are easy 7 steps skin care routine.

Remove makeup

Always remove your makeup before bed. Remember to completely take off any residue on your face. You can use micellar water or something as simple as coconut oil or olive oil to do so.


Depending on the intensity of dirt/build up, and your skin type, you may need to use a heavy duty cleanser, a gentle cleanser or even double cleanse as required.


It is an important step to remove the top layer of skin including dead skin, dirt and grime. Always use a gentle physical cleanser or a chemical peel but you should absolutely know how to use.


Toning helps soothe skin after a good cleanse. It sets the skins for the mosituriser to work its magic.


The ultimate step you need to do to ensure that your skin is fed well. A good moisturiser helps soothe and heal skin, and gives a radiant glow.


Hydration is adding water on your skin. Water helps keep skin plump and taut. A good face oil is the best hydrator for dry skin.


If you’re stepping out, never leave without sunscreen. Sun damage is hard to reverse but so easy to prevent. Put sunscreen, carry an umbrella or hat and walk in the shade.

How can I glow in 7 days?

Yes, it is possible to have glowing skin in a week. Here’s how:

  • Have a great skincare routine
  • Use organic products
  • Eat and drink water well
  • Invest in good, high quality skincare according to your skin type
  • Try a face oil for a glow from within.

Did you enjoy our best daily routine for healthy skin? Which tips are you planning to try? Let us know!