Youthful skin

Youthful skin secrets for your 30s.

Age is just a number(with the goodness of ayurveda, of course!). Here’s Youthful skin recipes from Brahmi Skincare

Stepping into the big ticket number of 30 can ring sirens in your head(while you are cutting into the cake & friends cheer for you!) but it isn’t so bad.

If you take some gentle and effective steps to care for your skin, glowing skin is just round the corner.

Here are the bare basics you can(should) do to amp up your skin health in your 30s.

Youthful skin

Love & care for your skin

Acceptance and love is the key to perfect skin. Before your body, it’s your mind that you have to train.

Don’t be frazzled by people, advertisements and celebrities telling you your skin goes south after 30. Your skin will be just as beautiful if you set your mind right.

Have a simple skin routine

You don’t need expensive saloon appointments, treatments or to go under the knife for beautiful skin. Invest in a solid skincare routine.

If not anything, you should have a trusty cleanser, moisturizer and weekly scrub in your regimen.

The important thing is to find the right organic skin-friendly products that suit your skin type.

Use minimal organic ayurvedic products

Less is more. It’s always safe to use good beauty products and go back to Ayurveda, to tried and trusted formulas over fancy products.

Brahmi has the best ayurvedic skin care products specifically designed using holistic ingredients. Our range has the right packages for each skin type(vata, pitta and kapha).

Face massage for youthful skin

It’s a very alien idea in India but facial self-massages are hugely becoming popular today for its simplicity and quick results.

Whatever your age, face massage improves circulation, lifts your skin and promotes healthy skin. Win-win! There are some amazing videos online for face massages for you to check out.

Don’t forget the basics

You’ve heard this, read about it, preached about it, yet you forget to do it yourself.

Here’s a reminder to stick to basic skincare because a stitch in time saves nine.

  1. Makeup off before bed. Period.
  2. Eat healthy. Veggies, rainbow coloured fruits, and nuts(in limited quantities).
  3. Always apply sunscreen.
  4. Always check the ingredients label of products. Shop only safe organic products
  5. Experiment with one product at a time.

Feed your skin water & vitamins

When we say moisturize frequently, a good amount of moisture has to come from within.

Your water bottle is the best way to keep your skin glowing. Supplement your skin’s water needs with hydrating moisturizer.

It’s recommended to ask your doctor for any vitamins supplements that you need to take in case you have deficiencies. The rest comes from a balanced diet.

Eat right for glowing skin in your 30s

You are what you eat. This is not a push for you to splurge all your bucks on specialty ingredients shipped from all around the world.

Good food is local, home cooked food.

Get seasonal produce fresh from your local market.Try to have as many home cooked meals.

As for your vegetables, keep the cooking time to a minimum to preserve all the vitamins and goodness.