best skincare for brides to be
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Ayurvedic Pre-wedding Rituals- A complete guide to Best skincare for bride to be

The search for the best skincare for bride to be is unending. It feels overwhelming-Should I get a chemical peel? Should I stick to organic skincare or should I try new facials? When should I start my skincare?

All your questions answered by experts in this fun to read blog!

best skincare for brides to be

What is the required skin care for bride before marriage ?

You’ve got your pretty lehengas being tailored, matching jewelry been picked up and hairstyles discussed with your stylist. But, what about your pretty chehra?

Good skin is the foundation for any bridal makeup look. It’s not just about the wedding day, the days before that from the engagement ceremony, haldi bash, dinner parties, bachelorette and the innumerable functions(and thus pictures) call for beautiful glowing skin.

Here’s how you can achieve it with careful planning and starting early with your skincare rituals.

When should you start your bridal skincare?

best skincare for brides to be

As soon as possible. To be exact, you should get started at least 3 months before the big day for lasting results. As the dates approach, you can add more skincare treatments to enhance the glow for the big day.

Here’s a quick look at how to go about your skincare.

best skincare for brides to be

At 3 months to the D-day: This is the bets time to start skin care for bride before marriage. Begin by building a great skincare routine for morning and night. This is the time to assess your current skincare routine and add new products, new techniques and start doing facial exercises too. This long gap gives you time to experiment with products and find the right one for your skin.

1 month to the wedding: The dates are approaching fast. You can invest in luxurious skincare products and facials for a nice bridal skin care routine at home to add the right glow and brighten your face.

best skincare for brides to be

1 week before the wedding: You may think it’s a good ides to save some expensive skincare products and treatments for the last days. But, as a bride to be, we recommend you stick to your routine and not change skincare products right now.

Most products take more than 2 weeks to show the results, so it really doesn’t matter.

Also, if some product does not suit your skin, it may even trigger reactions and skin irritations which you don’t want so close to the D-day.

Bridal skin care routine at home for your skin

So let’s get to the actual bridal skincare routine that’s easy to do and super-luxurious. This routine is aimed at correcting your discolorations, protecting your skin from sun damage, sculpting your facial features and rejuvenating your skin.

Morning routine- For sun protection and rejuvenating the skin

Your skincare starts the moment you wakeup.

Cleanse only if required

If you follow an amazing nighttime routine, you may not even need a cleanser to clean your face. Just patting with water or using honey on the face is enough. If you feel greasy and sweaty, use a gentle cleanser to freshen up.

Tone your skin

A step we mostly tend to skip, toning helps soothe skin irritations and relive any acne pain you may be having. For toner, we recommend you use high quality steam distilled gulab jal or rose water. This is where you can spend a good buck and get the best results for your skin.

Moisturise, no matter what

Oily or dry skin, you can’t skip moisturizer. Find the right moisturizer according to your skin and the season to add hydration to your skin. Find our range of moisturisers for vata, pitta an kapha skin types here.

best skincare for brides to be

Sunscreen is non-negotiable

If you are spending your day out shopping or travelling, always put sunscreen on. Grab upto 5 pumps of sunscreen(don’t be stingy) and dot all over the face. Gently spread it all over the face but don’t work it too much into the skin. Whether you’re out all day or just for an hour or two, sunscreen is unavoidable in skin care products for bride to be.

Splurge on a face oil

If you’re feeling particularly dry or applying a matte foundation, we recommend using a face oil to seal in all the goodness put on now. A face oil helps add organic goodness to the skin throughout the day. Also, foundation blending has never been easier.

best skincare for brides to be

Daytime routine- To enhance skin glow, diminish dark spots and give you a lasting shine

Before the wedding, its imperative that you carve out some time during the day for skincare rituals of your own. You can definitely visit the parlour or have treatments done to correct your skin issues, but a relaxed skincare at home is better always.

best skincare for brides to be

When it comes to skincare at home, its a holistic ritual. It combines your mind, body and soul. You have to take time to do it, indulge fully in the experience, pamper your senses and enjoy a luxurious session.

Daytime is the time for some DIY recipes that you can use to brighten your face. You can find some amazing recipes here.

best skincare for brides to be

Also, start doing face yoga. It is incredible for sculpting the face(hello jawline!), removing puffiness and clearing fine lines and wrinkles from appearing on your skin.

You can also do a mindful yoga session to forget all the wedding rush and completely relax.

best skincare for brides to be

Night time routine- To cleanse and release the day’s pollution from the skin

You nighttime routine helps prepare the skin to repair and revive though the night. Here cleansing and applying actives is key.

best skincare for brides to be

Cleanse thoroughly

According to the amount of makeup you are wearing or the pollution you have succumbed to, you can either go for a gentle cleanser or double cleanse if necessary. We recommend you melt your makeup with organic coconut or jojoba oil followed by a gentle cleanser for your skin type.

Time to exfoliate

It’s time to deep clean. Exfoliating the face is important to promote new skin cells. A good exfoliant removes dead skin cells, has soothing ingredients and helps calm skin irritations. It is best to only organic skincare products to exfoliate your skin.

Mositurise always

Never forget to moisturise well. Let the moisturizer work into the skin. Do not apply any products for 2 minutes after the moisturiser is put on. It helps lock the goodness in.

Luxurious face oil pampering

To sign off for the night as a bride to be, it’s great to coat your skin with organic ingredients like Holy Basil Leaf Extract, Brahmi Herb Extract and Ashwagandha Leaf Extract which seals in moisture, and help repair damaged skin.

best skincare for brides to be

Our nighttime ritual boxes for vata, pitta and kapha skin types feature an amazing face oil with just the right herbal combination for your skin.

Is it necessary to go to the parlor?

Necessary? No. Want to get a relaxing massage at a parlor? You go girl!

We don’t endorse chemical treatments, face masks and skincare products at the parlor of whose ingredients you have no clue about. But we do love face massages and even full body massages. They are absolutely divine, and you should go to a parlor that offer good massages.

massage, spa, stones

It’s best if you can carry your own favourite massage oils(do ask beforehand if that’s allowed). For those with dry skin, our ultimate hydrating face oil is a godsend and the non-sticky formula is great for massages as well.

Use skincare products that suit your particular skin type

The urge to use expensive face creams and imported skincare products is too much as your wedding approaches. We get you.

Understanding your skin type and treating your unique skin issues is the main aspect though. So use only products that work for your particular skin type or dosha. Here’s a quick guide to finding out your skin dosha.

You can consult us at Brahmi to address your skin issues and get custom skincare that suits your dosha type. We even have a range of ritual boxes with all the skincare essentials you need to use in your daily routine for gorgeous skin.

best skincare for brides to be

Always wear sunscreen

It’s almost redundant to mention that you should wear sunscreen. But you should. As a ride to be, with your many trips to the stylist, designer, venue scouting, and many more of the wedding shenanigans, sun damage is the last thing you need.

sunblock, skincare, healthy skin

Invest in a high quality sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30+ which leaves no cast and is light on the skin. Oily or kapha skin type ladies look out for sunscreen mineral formulas that are light and don’t clog pores.

Loved our little take on best skincare for bride to be? It’s never too late to start your skincare. Good skin is the best makeup you can don. Shop an incredible organic skincare range at Brahmi skincare.